This function takes as input an object of class plotSmooth and returns the names of all the possible visual layers that could be used with that object.




an object of class plotSmooth.


A vector containing the names of the available layers.


library(mgcViz) n <- 400 x1 <- rnorm(n) x2 <- rnorm(n) dat <- data.frame("x1" = x1, "x2" = x2, "y" = sin(x1) + 0.5 * x2^2 + rnorm(n)) b <- gam(y ~ x1+s(x2), data = dat, method = "REML") b <- getViz(b) # List layers available for parametric effect plot o <- plot( pterm(b, 1) ) listLayers(o)
#> [1] "l_ciLine" "l_ciPoly" "l_dens2D" "l_fitDens" "l_fitLine" "l_points" #> [7] "l_rug"
# List layers available for smooth effect plot o <- plot( sm(b, 1) ) listLayers(o)
#> [1] "l_ciLine" "l_ciPoly" "l_dens2D" "l_fitDens" "l_fitLine" "l_points" #> [7] "l_rug" "l_simLine"
# List layers available for checking plot o <- check1D(b, x1) listLayers(o)
#> [1] "l_dens2D" "l_densCheck" "l_gridCheck1D" "l_gridQCheck1D" #> [5] "l_points" "l_rug"