
The qgam R package offers methods for fitting additive quantile regression models based on splines, using the methods described in Fasiolo et al., 2017. It is useful to use qgam together with mgcViz Fasiolo et al., 2018, which extends the basic visualizations provided by mgcv.

The main fitting functions are:

  • qgam() fits an additive quantile regression model to a single quantile. Very similar to mgcv::gam(). It returns an object of class qgam, which inherits from mgcv::gamObject.
  • mqgam() fits the same additive quantile regression model to several quantiles. It is more efficient that calling qgam() several times, especially in terms of memory usage.
  • qgamV() and mqgamV() are two convenient wrappers that fit quantile GAMs and return gamViz objects, for which mgcViz provides lots of visualizations.

An additive example with four covariates

We simulate some data from the model: \[ y = f_0(x_0)+f_1(x_1)+f_2(x_2)+f_3(x_3)+e,\;\;\; e \sim N(0, 2) \] by doing

## Gu & Wahba 4 term additive model

We start by fitting a linear quantile model for the median:

fit1 <- qgamV(y ~ x0 + x1 + x2 + x3, data=dat, qu = 0.5)
## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5.......done
print(plot(fit1, allTerms = TRUE), pages = 1)

We use pages = 1 to plot on a single page, and allTerms to plot also the parametric effects (the plotting method used here plots only smooth or random effects by default).

Should we use a smooth effect of x0? If the effect of x0 was non-linear, we would expect that the number of observations falling below the fit would depart from 0.5, as we move along x0. A rudimental diagnostic plot is:

plot(dat$x0, sign(residuals(fit1)) + rnorm(nrow(dat), 0, 0.05), col = alpha(1, 0.4), pch = 16,
     ylab = "Residuals sign", xlab = "x0")

But residual pattern is more visible in the following plot:

check1D(fit1, "x0") + l_gridQCheck1D(qu = 0.5)

There is definitely a pattern here. An analogous plot along x2 also shows a residual pattern, hence we consider the model:

fit2 <- qgamV(y ~ s(x0) + x1 + s(x2) + x3, data=dat, qu = 0.5)
## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5.......done
check1D(fit2, "x0") + l_gridQCheck1D(qu = 0.5)

Looks much better, and leads to much lower AIC:

AIC(fit1) - AIC(fit2)
## [1] 764.418

We can plot all the smooth effects by doing:

print(plot(fit2), pages = 1)

To print only the second we do

print(plot(fit2, select = 2), pages = 1)

print(plot(fit2, allTerms = TRUE), pages = 1)

Now we fit this model to multiple quantiles and plot the fitted effects:

fit <- mqgamV(y ~ s(x0) + x1 + s(x2) + x3, data=dat,
              qu = seq(0.1, 0.9, length.out = 5))
## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5.......done 
## qu = 0.3.......done 
## qu = 0.7........done 
## qu = 0.1........done 
## qu = 0.9........done
print(plot(fit, allTerms = TRUE), pages = 1)

We can manipulate the five fitted quantile GAMs individually, for example

print(plot(fit[[1]], allTerms = TRUE), pages = 1)

Random effect modelling: lexical decision task

In this experiment participants are presented with a sequence of stimuli and they have to decide, as quickly as possible, whether each stimulus is an existing words (eg. house) or a non-existing word (eg. pensour) by pressing one of two buttons. The variables we consider here are:

  • RT logarithmically transformed reaction time.
  • NativeLanguage a factor with levels English and Other.
  • Length the word’s length in letters.
  • Frequency logarithmically transformed lemma frequencies as available in the CELEX lexical database.
  • Subject the id of the individual subjects.
  • Trial the rank of the trial in the experimental list.
  • Word a factor with 79 words as levels.

We might be interested in modeling the relation between the response time and length, frequency, native language and trial, and we might want to control for word and subject. We start by loading the data and fitting a simple QGAM model for the median:


lexdec$RT0 <- exp( lexdec$RT ) # Should not need to use log-responses to normalize

fit <- qgamV(RT0 ~ s(Trial) + NativeLanguage + s(Length, k = 5) + s(Frequency),
            data = lexdec, qu = 0.5)
## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5.............done
print(plot(fit), pages = 1)

It is natural to ask ourselves whether we should control for Subject and for Word:

check1D(fit, lexdec$Word) + l_gridQCheck1D(qu = 0.5)

It seems so, hence we refit using two random effects:

## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5..........done
check1D(fit2, "Subject") + l_gridQCheck1D(qu = 0.5)

check1D(fit2, "Word") + l_gridQCheck1D(qu = 0.5)

AIC(fit) - AIC(fit2)
## [1] 817.0046

We achieve lower AIC and the residuals checks look better (especially the one for Subject).

A potentially interesting question is then: is the effect of Trial different for native and non-native speakers? We can verify this by using a by-factor smooth:

## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5...........done
print(plot(fit3), pages = 1)

Can look directly at the difference between the by-factor smooths by doing:

s1 <- sm(fit3, 1)
s2 <- sm(fit3, 2)
plotDiff(s1, s2) + l_ciPoly() + l_fitLine()

There might be something there, but the difference is not very strong.

Now that we have converged on a (hopefully reasonable) model, we can fit it to several quantiles:

fit5 <- mqgamV(RT0 ~ s(Trial, by = NativeLanguage) + NativeLanguage + s(Length, k = 5) +
                + s(Frequency) + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Word, bs = "re"),
                data = lexdec, qu = seq(0.2, 0.8, length.out = 5))
## Estimating learning rate. Each dot corresponds to a loss evaluation. 
## qu = 0.5...........done 
## qu = 0.35...........done 
## qu = 0.65............done 
## qu = 0.2..............done 
## qu = 0.8...........done
print(plot(fit5, allTerms = TRUE), pages = 2, ask = FALSE)

The effects are fairly stable across quantiles, the effect of Frequency might be stronger for high quantiles. We can examine the fitted quantile models individually:

## Family: elf 
## Link function: identity 
## Formula:
## RT0 ~ s(Trial, by = NativeLanguage) + NativeLanguage + s(Length, 
##     k = 5) + +s(Frequency) + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Word, 
##     bs = "re")
## Parametric coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)           641.78      31.08   20.65   <2e-16 ***
## NativeLanguageOther   119.27      46.95    2.54   0.0111 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##                                   edf Ref.df  Chi.sq  p-value    
## s(Trial):NativeLanguageEnglish  2.679  3.320  13.162  0.00732 ** 
## s(Trial):NativeLanguageOther    1.375  1.653   0.472  0.59694    
## s(Length)                       1.007  1.009   1.108  0.29424    
## s(Frequency)                    2.793  3.036  35.087 1.37e-07 ***
## s(Subject)                     18.556 19.000 832.680  < 2e-16 ***
## s(Word)                        48.808 76.000 170.439 4.60e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) =  0.444   Deviance explained = 52.9%
## -REML =  10717  Scale est. = 1         n = 1659


  • Fasiolo, M., Goude, Y., Nedellec, R. and Wood, S. N. (2017). Fast calibrated additive quantile regression. Available at

  • Fasiolo, M., Nedellec, R., Goude, Y. and Wood, S.N. (2018). Scalable visualisation methods for modern Generalized Additive Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.10632.