All functions |
Generic function for Accumulated Local Effect (ALE) |
Create Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) for GAMs |
Some diagnostics for a fitted gam model |
Checking GAM simulated residuals or responses |
Checking GAM residuals or responses along one covariate |
Checking GAM residuals along two covariates |
Getting the CDF of a gam family |
Fit a GAM model and get a gamViz object |
Fit a GAMM or GAMM4 model and get a gamViz object |
Convert gamViz object to gamObject |
Converting gam objects to gamViz objects |
Plotting plotSmooth objects on a grid |
Add boundaries to smooth effect plot |
Adding confidence intervals to barplots |
Adding confidence intervals to effect plot |
Adding confidence band to effect plots |
Cluster and plot smooth effects |
Adding coordinate lines |
Adding density estimate to a plot |
Adding density estimate heatmap |
Checking residuals conditional density |
Adding barplot to effect plots |
Adding fitted effect contour lines |
Adding density strip of fitted effect |
Add fitted smooth effect curve |
Adding points representing the fitted effect |
Adding raster representing the fitted effect |
Adding glyphs to 2D plots |
Binning and checking GAM residuals |
Binning and checking GAM residuals |
Checking sign of residuals along one covariate |
Binning and checking QGAM residuals |
Adding histogram to a plot |
Add points to plot |
Add polygons to effect plots |
Adding contour of p-values |
Adding raster or heat-map of p-values |
Adding rug to margins of a plot |
Add simulated smooth effect curves |
Adding vertical line to a plot |
Lists available layers for plotSmooth objects |
Fit multiple QGAM models and get a mgamViz object |
Plot 1D Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) |
Plotting one dimensional smooth factor interactions |
Basic GAM plotting |
Plotting multiple quantile GAMs |
Plotting one dimensional smooth effects |
Plotting two dimensional smooth effects |
Plotting slice of higher-dimensional smooth effects |
Plotting Markov random field smooths |
Plotting factor or logical parametric effects |
Plotting parametric interactions |
Plotting numeric parametric effects |
Plotting random effects |
Plotting smooths on the sphere |
Generic plotting of differences |
Plotting differences between two 1D smooth effects |
Plotting differences between two 2D smooth effects |
Plotting differences between two smooths on the sphere |
Generic RGL plotting function |
Visualizing 2D smooth effects in 3D |
Visualizing a 2D slice of a smooth effects in 3D |
Plotting sequence of slices of 2D smooth effect |
Posterior simulation from a GAM object |
Printing the output of check.gamViz |
Printing the output of plot.gamViz |
Printing plots of smooth effects |
Printing the output of qq.gamViz |
Extracting parametric effects from a GAM model |
Fit a QGAM model and get a gamViz object |
Generic QQ plots |
QQ plots for gam model residuals |
Quantile-Quantile Plots |
Generalized Additive Model residuals |
Generic shine function |
Shiny QQ-plots for GAMs |
Simulating responses from a GAM object |
Extracting a smooth effect from a GAM model |
Generic zooming function |
Efficiently zooming on GAM QQ-plots |
Constructing a decreasing function from (0,1) to (0,1) |