Takes a fitted GAM model and produces some diagnostic information about the fitting procedure and results. The default is to produce 4 residual plots, some information about the convergence of the smoothness selection optimization, and to run diagnostic tests of whether the basis dimension choises are adequate.

# S3 method for gamViz
  type = c("auto", "deviance", "pearson", "response", "tunif", "tnormal"),
  k.sample = 5000,
  k.rep = 200,
  maxpo = 10000,
  a.qq = list(),
  a.hist = list(),
  a.respoi = list(),



an object of class gamViz, the output of a getViz() call.


type of residuals, see residuals.gamViz, used in all plots.


above this k testing uses a random sub-sample of data.


how many re-shuffles to do to get p-value for k testing.


maximum number of residuals points that will be plotted in the scatter-plots. If number of datapoints > maxpo, then a subsample of maxpo points will be plotted.


list of arguments to be passed to qq.gamViz. See qq.gamViz.


list of arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_histogram.


list of arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_point.


currently not used.


An object of class checkGam, which is simply a list of ggplot objects.


This is a essentially a re-write of mgcv::gam.check using ggplot2. See mgcv::gam.check for details.


library(mgcViz) set.seed(0) dat <- gamSim(1, n = 200)
#> Gu & Wahba 4 term additive model
b <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = dat) b <- getViz(b) # Checks using default options check(b)
#> #> Method: GCV Optimizer: magic #> Smoothing parameter selection converged after 8 iterations. #> The RMS GCV score gradient at convergence was 1.072609e-05 . #> The Hessian was positive definite. #> Model rank = 37 / 37 #> #> Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may #> indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'. #> #> k' edf k-index p-value #> s(x0) 9.00 2.32 1.00 0.51 #> s(x1) 9.00 2.31 0.97 0.30 #> s(x2) 9.00 7.65 0.96 0.27 #> s(x3) 9.00 1.23 1.04 0.67
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
# Change some algorithmic and graphical parameters check(b, a.qq = list(method = "tnorm", a.cipoly = list(fill = "light blue")), a.respoi = list(size = 0.2), a.hist = list(bins = 10))
#> #> Method: GCV Optimizer: magic #> Smoothing parameter selection converged after 8 iterations. #> The RMS GCV score gradient at convergence was 1.072609e-05 . #> The Hessian was positive definite. #> Model rank = 37 / 37 #> #> Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may #> indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'. #> #> k' edf k-index p-value #> s(x0) 9.00 2.32 1.00 0.45 #> s(x1) 9.00 2.31 0.97 0.33 #> s(x2) 9.00 7.65 0.96 0.24 #> s(x3) 9.00 1.23 1.04 0.68